Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Great Grandma has an orange tree in her back yard. Ben fell in love.

He picked his first Orange.

He was so excited, he bit into it right away.

But, something was very wrong with this orange.

It tasted awful!

He tried to put it back on the tree.

After much convincing, Ben kept his orange.


It was delicious after all!

As soon as he finished, he hopped down and grabbed Great Grandma's finger. He led her out the back door, right back to the orange tree. Over and over!

We came home with at least 20 pounds of Great Grandma's oranges.


Anonymous said...

HOW FUN!! Priceless pictures! us Zegar's

btrfly202002 said...

Ben looks just like Adam in the pic of him thinking the orange was yucky. :)