Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not So Sure

Ben's second implant activation was quite a bit different from the first.
He did not want the processor anywhere near his ear or the magnet put on. After some convincing and a lot of distracting, we were able to get the magnet on long enough for Dr. Don to turn the sound on. Ben startled so suddenly the block in his hand flew in my face, leaving a pretty shiner under my eye.
Each time we attached the magnet, so Ben could have some sound, he winced and tried to pull it off. He said "all done" over and over.
I didn't have much better luck that evening either. Since Ben wants to be just like daddy all the time, daddy wore his new ear for a while. Ben caved in and wore it for a few moments after that.

The next morning, I held his arms down, stuck his ears on, and headed outside. Ben spent over an hour playing with both ears on!Distract...


A busy boy with TWO EARS

Today, day 3, has been even better. Ben wore both ears most of the day. At one point, he had only his new ear on. I had to call his name pretty loud before I got a reaction. The sound is still pretty low.

After dinner, Ben took his new ear off and signed hurt and pointed to his head. I'm not sure if the surgery site is sensitive or he was just tired of listening. Either way, it's his choice (or luxury) to turn off the sound and rest for a while.

Lot's of changes for a little guy!


Val said...

my daughter did that who was three when she got number two...i think they get used to hearing well w/the first one so when the second one isn't up to par, they want no part of it, not realizing their brain is gonna have to do some work to get it up to par.....

tammy said...

Poor little fella. Seems like he's slowly adjusting though, to what I'm sure, is quite a shock. I'm with you, it's nice they have the luxury to take it off when they want. There's times still that Aiden will run from me to not put them on, so I leave him alone for awhile, then eventually sneak them back on and he's fine.

Brandon Cline-Jones said...

Isaac had almost the exact same reaction with his second activation. In fact, even going into Don's office is a challenge now, though last time we brought a chocolate chip cookie and Daddy so that helped. It was a shock for all of us as he did so well the first time, I know that Don felt terrible. But he did seem to get used to his second implant within a few days (like Ben) and now can communicate pretty well if he only has his "new" (left side) ear on. Hang in there, it sounds like he is adjusting and each day will get a little better.

Maddy said...

I love that he can put his ears on and off- almost Mr. Potato head type!

I have a friend who would turn off her hearing aides at night so that when her babies were little, she couldn't hear them bawling(past the point of *needing* to get up), so either her husband would get up with them, or just wait it out. The story still makes me giggle and a little envious of just being able to "tune it out" literally every once in a while. :)

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